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Your Global Availability Superpower
Wherever work happens, Logitech is there.
Fewer than 1 in 4 employees say they are equipped with seamless technology. How can you connect and empower a global workforce? Logitech solutions, certified for Microsoft Teams, ensure people stay connected across continents.
Discover how global continuity can help you overcome your greatest IT challenges with Logitech for Microsoft Teams. Wherever work happens, Logitech is there.
Article: Designing Our Offices for Hybrid Work: What We Learned
How do you harness technology & optimize spaces to make your office a magnet for employees? Read this case study to see what we did & what we learned from it.
10 Ways I.T. Can Help Make Meetings Matter
Learn how I.T. teams can enable more productive and effective meetings by complementing best practices with the right video conferencing and collaboration tools.
4 Ways I.T. Can Boost Meeting Productivity
Learn how I.T. can drive mindful meetings with collaboration technology optimized for productivity.
Customer Stories
MHI Vestas
Read this case study to learn how MHI Vestas Offshore Wind is using Logitech Room Solutions for Microsoft Teams to increase meeting effectiveness while reducing travel costs and carbon footprint
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