Logitech G Cognitive Performer Summit, April 19-20, 2018

Event Recap

The vision of the inaugural Cognitive Performer Summit was to bring together the world's best researchers to share best practices and progress in the understanding of human cognitive performance. We joined over one hundred high performance practitioners in a vibrant community building discussion that ranged from nutrition to technology to esports. We realize we are at the beginning of this exciting journey and are looking forward to next year when we continue the discussion.

Exploring Cognitive Performance and Mastery

Our understanding of cognitive performance is improving every day. However, we still know very little about the critical factors that support success for these performers. For our first ever Cognitive Performer Summit, we are inviting some amazing researchers and practitioners to share insights and first-hand experiences. We will seek to answer the question: How do we support and train those whose mastery is dominated by the cognitive realm?

Esport Pros

Professional gaming is paving the way for a new era of human factors singularly focused on cognitive performance. How do we better prepare these performers to win?

Cognitive Innovators

More and more elite cognitive performers are looking for the competitive edge. Surgeons, pilots, programmers, entrepreneurs, etc. are all looking for ways to improve.

Data Breakthroughs

As the science in this field grows exponentially, we have a greater opportunity now to begin to understand how we may best support these performers.

Cognitive Performer

April 19, 2018 



April 20, 2018 


7:00      Breakfast and Registration

8:00      Welcome

8:30      Sessions and Panels

12:00     Lunch

1:00       Sessions and Panels

5:00      Mixer

6:30      Dinner

Cognitive Performer Summit is Conceived and Curated by

Special thanks to you for your interest and to our amazing sponsors for making the Cognitive Performer Summit a reality.

#CognitivePerformer 2018

© 2018 Logitech G. All rights reserved.


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